Gosford Public School

Honour before Honours

Telephone02 4349 3600


About our school

Gosford Public School has a strong commitment to Quality Public Education. The staff is enthusiastic in their delivery of teaching and learning programs that help all students achieve excellence.

The school Motto "Honour before Honours" guides the ethos of the school. The teachers are dedicated to providing activities that focus on developing the student as a whole, and promoting high standards of personal integrity.

The teachers at GPS plan a range of learning experiences designed to engage all students in a curriculum that both supports and enriches their learning. The students at Gosford Public School achieve excellent results in NAPLAN and are given opportunities to participate in extra curricula activities, including:

  • Dance
  • Visual Arts
  • Sporting groups
  • Public Speaking Competitions
  • Technology
  • University Competitions in Literacy, Mathematics and Computers
  • Gifted and High Potential Opportunities 

The school facilities are brand new, with purpose built classrooms in the latest educational designs.

Gosford Public School is "Proud of our past and confident of our future"

Gosford Public School was established in 1865 and is located in Faunce Street West next to Henry Kendall High School in West Gosford. The school is well serviced by major transport links and is within close proximity to cultural and sporting amenities including the Central Coast Conservatorium, Gosford City Library, Gosford Swimming Pool, Adcock Park, Grahame Park and the Gosford City Art Centre. Gosford Before, After and Vacation Care is located within the school grounds and is extensively used by a large percentage of working families. Gosford Public School aims to develop each child's full potential in a safe and secure learning environment. The school's motto "Honour before Honours" reflects a whole school commitment to the development of positive relationships between students, staff and parents.

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