Gosford Public School

Honour before Honours

Telephone02 4349 3600


Ready set go - starting school

Ready Set Go



Ready, Set, Go is a School Transition program designed for children entering Kindergarten the following year.



Starting Kindergarten at Gosford PS video - Click here


What will the children do in the Ready, Set, Go program?

The program consists of 6 sessions, led by our experienced Kindergarten teachers. In theses sessions, the children participate in a variety of activities, including craft, fine motor skills, sports, computing, pre - reading and pre -writing activities. In the final session, the children are taken on a tour of the school. 


How will the Ready, Set, Go program benefit my child? 


Participation in the Ready, Set, Go program will assist your child as they make the transition to school. The program will:


  • Ease children into an unfamiliar environment, making it a familiar and friendly place.
  • Enable children to get to know their new classmates, school surrounds & school routines.
  • Introduce children to some of the teachers, classrooms, toilets, playground areas, office and hall.
  • Boost children's confidence and make them feel comfortable about starting school.
  • Foster a positive attitude towards school.
  • Ease separation from parents.

What can I do, as a parent, to help my child to make the transition to school?

The Ready, Set, Go Program also offers support to the parents of Kindergarten students starting school.

Parents are invited to attend workshops in conjunction with the children's Ready, Set, Go program. The sessions will be held in the Chapman Room, at the same time and dates as the children's program

These sessions will provide valuable information on:

  • Successful "Starting School" tips
  • Routine for children & parents
  • Surviving the first few weeks
  • Tours of the school
  • Learning to Read & Write


All children participating in the Ready, Set, Go program, receive a T-shirt titled 

"Look who's going to Gosford Public School".